Thursday, May 8, 2014

My Logo Design

The goal of the assignment was to make a logo that represents yourself by scanning it and editing it in photoshop and adobe illustrator.

First I sketched ideas of logos on a piece of paper and chose one to scan. My sketch was two bananas crossed against each other. I then scanned it on the mac. Then saved it as pdf and transfered it on my flash drive. Then I opened it on photo shop and saved it as a psd. And I made it black and white by desaturizing it. So I used the threshold tool to make the lines darker and more apparent. Then I transfered it over to adobe illustrator and vectorized it. Then I used the live trace tool and went to tracing options to make the lanes smoother and less messy. After that I used the live paint bucket tool to fill in the banana with yellow. After I was finished with that I put my logo on a hat and a jacket.

I thought this assignment was fun, I got to express myself with art and make my own symbol. My favorite aspect of my work was the banana outline If I could make a new logo I would make the lines even in width so that it did not look like a drawing.

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